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found footage films

Found footage TV series set in 2014 and following Steve Chandon, egomaniac millionaire, and nature activist ventures into the wild in pursuit of an incident from 2003, that will not give him any rest:…Read More
Paranormal Entity Series The Paranormal Entity series is a collection of movies from Asylum that were rebranded under a new name (Paranormal Investigations) for distribution in the UK. The films are c…Read More
[REC] SeriesThe [REC] series is a found footage film series from Spain and directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza. The films follow the investigation of a viral outbreak in an apartment building t…Read More
Blair Witch Series The Blair Witch Series is considered the defining films within the found footage Genre. The Blair Witch Project (1999), created, written, and directed by Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel …Read More
Grave Encounters Series The Grave Encounters series is about a ghost hunting reality show. The first film, the production crew locks themselves inside an abandoned mental hospital that's supposedly ha…Read More
Head Case Series The Head Case series consists of four found footage films surrounding the serial killer Wayne Montgomery, who committed 41 murders between 1970 and 2007. Each film consists of recover…Read More
Mermaids Series The Mermaids series is a product of Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. The series takes the form of mockumentaries presenting evidence that the fabled mermaids are in fact real creat…Read More
Paranormal Activity Series The Paranormal Activity Series is a collection of six films produced by Blumhouse and distributed through Paramount Pictures. The series was created by Oren Peli, who wrote …Read More
Raw Series Raw is a German-made found footage horror trilogy that was written and directed by Marcel Walz. The series follows the investigations into the legend of Grete Müller, a woman convicted of w…Read More