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Behind the Scenes

A video captures the mysterious phenomenon that occurred at the shooting site of the reproduction drama of a ghost story.…Read More
A photographer and a makeup artist document their burgeoning relationship and their partnership on a fine art project through the lenses of their own cameras.…Read More
A psychic and occult program, Kaikai-chan, had gained cult popularity, until one day they decided to mysteriously end their broadcast. At the request of the missing person concerned, all the program d…Read More
Mockumentary about a producer who attempts to reunite the cast and crew of the horror B-movie, "Curse of the Jackalope", for a 10-year reunion screening.…Read More
Recorded video footage was found near an abandoned barn, just 50 miles outside of Springfield, Missouri- where in May of 2017, a camera crew planned to shoot their next movie.…Read More