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This mockumentary film follows the numerous misadventures of a porta-john worker through both his personal and professional life, including an oddly glamorous excursion to the Pumper and Cleaner Expo …Read More
In 1999 a documentary crew gained intimate access to Britain's most notorious cult, Friends at the End. For legal reasons the film has never been seen. Until now.…Read More
A criminal gossip magazine receives a video tape from Japan's most notorious criminal rapist, the "Hyper Villain" Shouhei Eno. On the tape, Eno reveals himself and proclaims he has raped 107 girls in …Read More
A video recently posted shows something popping out of a closed toilet. Before the school was closed, rumors of "Hanako-san in the toilet" were whispered at the school, and now the interview team will…Read More
A new posted video was delivered to Ichikawa. A couple fishing in a pond captured a strange creature that emerged from the surface of the water.…Read More